Creams and oils work best with a little damp moisture. Facial oils are better able to lock in moisture when the skin is more pliable after a warm wash and damp skin also ensures that the oils spread evenly and absorb effectively into your skin leading to more hydrated, plumper skin.
Note that your skin should not be wet, just a bit moist, or the skin will be unable to hold the oil. Remember that oil and water do not mix!
HOW MUCH TO USE Again, facial oils are very concentrated, so start slowly. The key is to use them sparingly. The recommended amount for your décolleté, neck, and face is about 4 to 6 drops. If doing your face only, you need about 2 to 3 drops of oil per treatment. If your skin is extra dry a couple more drops may be helpful. Just don’t overdo it. This might appear to be a very small amount but start out small, you can always add more. A face oil is a great product to use with facial massage. Using small circular strokes in an upward, outward motion, massage slowly and gently with your oily fingertips until most of the oil has been absorbed. The gentle massage will also give your skin a nice circulation boost and can help with lymphatic drainage. WHEN TO USE A FACIAL OIL It is usually suggested that a facial oil be used in the morning. If your skin is extra thirsty, apply the face oil and allow a few minutes for it to absorb. Then use your natural cream moisturizer as usual for extra hydration. When applying a face oil at night, we recommend applying the oil at least 20 to 30 minutes before going to bed. The oil needs time to soak into your skin, rather than into your pillow. If you choose to moisturize day and night, a light facial oil may be better than a heavy cream. Just remember that your skin needs time to breathe. Using too much over time can make your skin lazy. Over moisturizing signals your own sebaceous (oil) glands to slow down natural moisture production, which can result in chronic dry skin.